*Warning: Game may contain visual images that could trigger seizures or other symptoms for people with photosensitivity epilepsy or other conditions. Consult a physician if you experience any symptoms.*

The game is currently unfinished. Right now, it's just the boss section of the first area of the game and even then it's also not finished(he would use a sword and shoot lasers while chasing you down, but here he just wanders and stuck in walls for a moment. But I plan to continue working on it. I plan to add more attacks, more levels, saving, the ability to improve stats,  etc...  Stuff like the title screen could also change as I continue working on this project. 

Next update goals

-Finish the first section of the game(of course including the boss section)

-Add stats and the ability to improve them

-Add enemies

-More areas 

-Add music

-Add items

-Add saving

-Add intro before title screen or after. 

-Add dialogue(there was suppose to be dialogue between Aero and Welkin before fighting him and after defeating him)

-Add falling obstacle(the area outside the boss arena is suppose to make you fall and lose)



Welkin arrives to the ancient building controlled by a warrior named Aero to get back a stolen item. 


-Mouse Left Button(Click)

-Left Key(Move Left)

-Right Key(Move Right)

-Up Key(Move Up)

-Down Key(Move Down)

-O key(Punch) 

-P Key(Shoot laser)


Programmer/Artist/Game Designer/Sound Designer-


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